About this product
The Internal 6-Foot Shock Absorbing Lanyard Z07 with Rebar Hook features single-leg construction and utilizes 1-/4-inch tubular polyester webbing for resistance to UV light and abrasion and a tensile strength of 6,000 pounds. It also features anchorage end rebar hooks. The internal continuous-length shock absorber limits arresting forces to 900 pounds or less. Internal shock-absorbing lanyards feature a unique continuous-length shock absorbing material inside a durable tubular web. These products are not only economical, but also provide a smooth and efficient arrest in the event of a fall. The slim profile is light weight, which reduces end-user fatigue and increases productivity and compliance. Internal Shock Absorbing Lanyards are constructed using a variety of tubular webs. Inside the tubular webbing is a continuous-length polyester web shock absorber. In the event of a fall, the compressed lanyard expands while dissipating the forces and arresting the fall. The tubular web also acts as a fail-safe, as it will not allow the lanyard to expand beyond the OSHA and ANSI limits for deceleration distance. Internal lanyards are an effective, lightweight alternative to traditional pack lanyards. All of our lanyards are designed to meet or exceed applicable OSHA and ANSI standards.
- Webbing: Polyester; Min. 6,000 lbs. tensile strength
- Energy Absorber: Polyester; activation greater than 450 lbs.
- Connectors: Alloy Steel; Min. 5,000 lbs. tensile strength
- Connector Gates: Alloy Steel; Min. 3,600 lbs. front load and
- side load
- Tensile Strength: Min. 5,000 lbs.
- Max. Capacity: 310 lbs.
- Max. Freefall: 6 feet
- Average Arrest Force: Less than 900 lbs.
- Max. Elongation: 42 inches
- OSHA: CFR1926.502, CFR1910.66
- ANSI: Z359.1‐2007